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Visit our Art Gallery at Bridgewater Place in Grand Rapids

Open by appointment only

Featuring works of:

Ryan T. Schmidt
Mark Lewanski
William Attaway



Ryan T. Schmidt


Mark Lewanski

Mark works from his downtown studio in  Portland and Lansing, Michigan and a home gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona. He has perfected the quasi-impossible art of weaving glass strips into massive, intricate, fluid-like surfaces that turned into unique pieces of Fine Art. Mark has become a creative vanguard in the field, his trademark glass boxes and mosaic mirrors bought and appreciated by thousands of art lovers worldwide.

William Attaway

Attaway is from Barbados and has been producing Fine Art in Venice Beach, California since 1979. He has been working with ceramics, painting and sculptures. Each brushstroke and color gesture in his paintings are steeped in abundance, similar to the Abstract Expressionists where the size of each paint stroke or drip was equal to oneself. Attaway categorizes a full, sumptuous approach to his figures embracing an artist's life and having no fear.



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